Sunday, June 20, 2010

That's What Friends Are For...

A few weeks ago, I alluded to the fact that due to this unfortunate turn of events in my life, that a whole lot of good had come out of the dark times.  There are so many things to list, but today I want to talk about the friendship aspect.

First off, only due to me being brought to my knees have I had the opportunity to develop several level 10 relationships (what our pastor calls those deep, soul bearing friendships---level 1 being you talk only of the Cowboys and the weather!).  There are some that are newer friends, and some I've known for 20 plus years, but let me tell you, they have been there for me when the world has looked pretty dark.  And do you know why we are Level 10 friends?  Because we are REAL, we do life together, we bear our souls.  There is no filter, no judging, no jealousy, just acceptance right where you are at and a belief in each other on who God is calling you and created you to be!  Through this journey, it hasn't just been about me...all of us have struggled in various issues and I'm not saying we have it all figured out...but we know whether it is the valley or the mountaintops, that we are here for each other and we are standing for one another on the Rock.  These are friends that I can call at 1am and talk or say come over...and they do.  These are friends that when my world crashed down around me, I texted to come now...and they left in the middle of a movie and came straight to my house and went into survival mode with me that was straight off a TV show!  They are friends who left families, young children, to spend the night with me when I just couldn't be alone or I couldn't sleep or they didn't want me to be alone...sometimes for days...and who spoke truth over me that this was not going to destroy me, defeat me, or become me because they wouldn't let that happen!  They talked me down off a cliff when I felt like pulling a Thelma and Louise.  They listened as I sobbed so hard that literally my breath was taken away and I couldn't breathe.  They made me get out of bed, go to work and find the joy in every day.  And you know, once I got moving, I did find that joy and life shined brighter on those days.  They refused to give up on me, when honestly, I wanted to quit some days.  And more than that, they prayed, without ceasing, and covered me with their faith and belief that God was in control.  God placed each of these special people in my life for such a time as this and He spoke through them and to them to help guide me on this journey.  Some days, there were only baby steps...and others, there were leaps and bounds!  But you know what?  We've all grown in the process.  I'm so incredibly greatful and humbled by their sacrifices because I know at times, they when they helped me shoulder this burden, it's been every bit as hard on them to watch me suffer and struggle as if they were the one it was happening to.  You know who you are and on this day, I say thank you.  Your friendships mean the world to me and I love each of you and count my blessings EVERY day for what you have done for me!  My life will never be the same due to each of your influences!

Maybe you would expect the above in this sort of situation...but what I haven't expected was another level of friendships that has occurred.  Let's just call them restored friendships.  Do you know in the past week, I have had three random friends (none know each other), who I used to be close to, contact me out of the blue and say, "Hey, what's up, Miss you!"  and reach out after losing touch over the past few years.  Wow...what a bomb I've had to drop...each one of them has cried and contacted me and you know all three of them have shared their own marriage struggles and how they were separated, near divorce, on the rocks, and some barely hanging on.  So, God has placed them back in my life to share my story and I hope to be able to help them and guide them a little bit by sharing God's plan for their lives and what I've learned through Him on this journey.  I do not believe in random events anymore...I know every thing that happens, only happens due to God's ultimate plan and infinite wisdom.  I hope that I can be a conduit to share what God has shown me and pay it forward.  And that's JUST in this week people---there are others!  And there are friends I have that I cherish that I have never met face to face...long stories there...but they are precious to me!  I have literally had to start scheduling phone calls with people as I need time to talk to each one of them and can't have them all calling at the same time!  Is God good or what??!!!  All the time!!!

So, today, I say thank God for friends!  True friendships in this world are hard to find and harder to keep.  We were not put on Earth to do life alone (that's a plan of the enemy to isolate us...but that's for another day).  God created these friendships as our little angels here on Earth to keep us sane and I for one, am VERY glad for that!

Glad to call you a friend,


1 comment:

  1. Joy, I can't even come up w/ the right words to share right now, but reading that brought tears to my eyes. I remember when you came into my life and you are so was no accident. God is amazing and as I look back over the last year or so, He has shown all of us that we can trust Him. Can't wait until Aug. 7th!!!! I love you man!!! :)
