Monday, April 4, 2011

Excuse Me...Which Way to the Promised Land???

Maybe I've known this in the past and forgotten it, but as I was doing my Bible study, I was in Deuteronomy and read that the Israelites had wandered around aimlessly in the desert for 40 years before they were ready to enter the Promise Land...but the WHOLE TIME they were ELEVEN DAYS AWAY from their final destination.  Do what???  Of course, when this was being revealed to the masses by Moses, all the original Israelites were dead except for this was the next generation that was hearing all of this.  I'm sure they had been walking around, dusty, hungry and grumbling for quite awhile though themselves...can you imagine realizing you had been that close to your destination the whole miserable time?  Knowing me, I probably would have been a little ticked off upon hearing that news.  Talk about taking a few wrong turns!  As I was pondering this and reading about Moses reviewing to the masses all that has happened in those 40 years of history, I was was so OBVIOUS to them God was in control and yet, they still were so stubborn.  I mean, they had a cloud to lead them during the day, a fire over the tent of Meeting at in a VISIBLE presence of God at pretty much all times.  And to top it off, they had heard his audible voice during that whole "ten commandments" scene.  Not a thought, or a feeling, but THE REAL McCOY VOICE OF GOD!  And yet, they still sinned, they still grumbled, they still made false idols and danced around them...Stupid, head strong Israelites!

But wait...before we get all holier than thou...let's think about this a minute...

I have to admit, normally when I've read this part of Deuteronomy, what I wrote above was about what I felt about the situation.  However, this time around, God opened my eyes to a whole new way of interpreting this.  He used my life as a comparison (man, do I hate it when He does that!).  I began to look back on my 35 years of life and see that I've been in the desert for quite some time.  In fact, I've taken so many detours, I've gone against the will of God, I've made some serious mistakes, and I've exerted my free will time and time again.  Sometimes even knowing that I was outside of God's will but justifying it anyways (beginning to sound familiar?).  I see that all those detours and me "controlling" the situation was my very own wilderness that I was wandering around (I'm one of the smart ones though...I didn't have to wander for 40 whole years so I guess you can say I'm ahead of schedule!).  And the whole stinkin' time...I was probably less than my very own "figurative" eleven days away from the Promise Land.  God never left me.  Nope, quite the opposite...He was there the entire time, convicting me, showing me His love, encouraging me, and being more patient than I ever could have deserved.  At times, I would get back on track for a period and be headed the right direction...then I would derail again as in one-step forward and two-steps back sort of mentality. 

Then I read the following verse:
Deuteronomy 2:7

For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your walking through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.

Yep, that's very true.  Even though I was outside of the will of God many times, He continued to provide for me and bless me despite my very own stubborness.  He's been more than patient and He's been waiting.  And He knows every step of my journey.  I didn't go hungry, I didn't lose my job, I didn't have a horrible life.  Quite the opposite.  Life was good.  But you know, as I've been realizing in the past year, my life was NOT God's best for my life.  He allowed me to get into a relationship that wasn't His best for my life because hey, I wasn't going to hear any different than what I wanted!  He didn't want to see me hurt, but He knew that divorce was where it was going to head one day.  But, all along, He was calling me to something different...HIS BEST for my life vs my best for my life.  And I'm begin to come to the realization, that those two things are totally different, and I mean that in a very positive way.  My focus was so superficial and so very small and it just didn't have the depth to go the distance.  His focus and His plan, from what I know thus far, is so deep, I cannot even fathom it some days.  It's mind boggling stuff that, to be honest, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it.  But it's's really good and it's full of joy, hope, and excitement! 

So, as I read those passages and pondered them, I realized, that I'm approaching the Promised Land.  I'm not inside yet, but I'm at the gates and I'm reflecting back on the past 35 years...the good, the bad and the ugly, just like Moses did with the Israelites.  A gentle summary of where I've been to remind me to not make those same mistakes again this go-round.  So, I feel I'm on the cusp of entering into my own Promised Land...and for all the pain, the anguish, and the tears of the past...THIS is what it is all about.  I'm humbled and I'm ready to be used for the Kingdom and for His service.  I'm fighting every day to keep Christ central in my life and let no other idols come before Him.  I've been in the wilderness and it wasn't as much fun as I thought it was at the time, and really, I don't care to go back there.  In fact, it was an illusion of happiness most of the time if I'm being honest.  But for me, that 'wandering aimlessly in the desert' is what it took to transform my life and get me on my knees before my loving Heavenly Father who has been waiting for me to surrender all these years.  So for that, I'm so very thankful for the wilderness. It made me strong and secure of my identity in Christ, and it got rid of the junk in my life that needed to be purged out.

I don't know about you...but I'm ready for the Promised Land.  It's been a long, tiring journey to reach it, but the destination is sweet and full of promise in every sense of the word. 

Thank God for THAT,


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