Monday, October 18, 2010

What an amazing weekend!

I know it has been awhile since I have posted, but it doesn't mean that nothing has been going on in my life.  Just means I've been incredibly busy!  I have so many things I want to write about right now, ideas floating in my head and on my heart, so I just need to sit down and do it!

I wanted to write a post to the women who attended the women's conference this past know who you are!  I hated to leave early, but I had a dear friend's wedding back in Tyler that I just couldn't miss.  But, ladies, thank you for being an amazing audience and for listening to me ramble on, cry and sniff for an hour.  It was a cathartic time and I could just feel the Lord's presence in that room!  How cool was that?  I appreciate those of you who came up and shared with me what parts of my story God used to touch your hearts.  To me, that makes it ALL worthwhile.  As I said in my talk, when I said yes to speaking months ago, I just felt God telling me that there would be women in that room who needed to hear what HE was going to have me speak to have that reaffirmed by you was just so wonderful.  Preparing for that talk was such a journey to go back and revisit some of the past hurts and sufferings, but it was also a sweet reminder of the joy that the Lord has brought to me in this process!  My cup overflows!!!

For those of you who wanted to come but couldn't make it, I'm working on getting a copy of the video and having a link to play my talk on my blog.  Might take me a bit to figure that out but hopefully soon, I will have it on here for you to watch at your convenience.  Advance warning:  I go into the ugly cry a few times so this video is not for the faint of heart!  So stay tuned...

God has used this weekend to speak some very specific things to me and give me some visions for the future...and where to go next.  I think I had mentioned before that I had felt God saying that this weekend was going to be the kick off of something big in my life...and boy was that right!  Things have begun to happen already and I'm just so excited for where the Lord is going to lead me!!!  As I said Saturday, sometimes we just can't know the next step because we aren't ready yet...God will reveal it when we are ready and in His timing. 

Today, I'm physically tired after a long weekend but spiritually my heart is so full and I'm just overjoyed...walking on air still!  Thanks, ladies, for blessing ME and allowing me the favor of speaking with you.  To God be all the Glory, Honor, and Praise!!!

God is Good!!!


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