Thursday, January 20, 2011

Breakthroughs on a Caffeine Withdrawal

Recently, I went on an 21 day Daniel fast for a few reasons.  One, I wanted to clear my mind and draw nearer to the Lord and seek some direction for issues in my life but two, I knew I needed to detoxify my body and be healthier.  I wasn't as legalistic as an all out Daniel fast, which is basically a vegan diet, but during this period, I did give up meat, any sweets, caffeine (coffee, I really missed you!), fast foods, and alcohol, so for me, that's pretty restrictive.  I wasn't perfect and I slipped a couple of times but all in all, I was on board.  In the process of this fast, I was the point I just had no energy and was in bed or on the couch much of the time.  I mean I was coming home and sleeping during my lunch break, because I was that zapped (so if you were a client that came in that week, excuse the bed head I must have been rockin' in the afternoons!)  And on top of that, the weather was horribly cold at the same time.  Do you know how hard it was to NOT have coffee, hot tea or hot chocolate when it is 20 degrees outside and you are coughing up a lung?  Agony!

I know...I'm whining...!  You can probably guess that my focus wasn't where it should have been by the way I'm moaning above.  But there is a point to all of this, I promise!

I was discussing this fast with a friend and saying, "you know I haven't gotten as much out of it as I have when I've done an all out three day fast in the past".  But in saying that, I had to think, had I really been as submitted and all in as I have before and really seeking God?  The answer, sadly, would have to be no.  I couldn't really expect to be hearing the voice of God when I'm laying on the couch watching movies, now could I?  So, I was more than a little disappointed with myself but I thought, I'm going to finish strong.  All is not lost!  I then began to read a devotion regarding the fast and the message got my attention.  I'm going to post some here for you to read:

Food is a source of comfort for many.  Pray that the God of compassion and all comfort will become your primary source of comfort. Ask Him to use this experience with suffering to remove anything in your life that has taken the Holy Spirit's place as your Comforter.
That smacked me right between the eyes!  I've always known that I'm a stress eater and like comfort foods, as many do, BUT when you put it in that light, it made me take a step back.  Why on earth would I try to replace the comfort of the Holy Spirit with food or anything else for that matter?  That's absurb...but I see through this fast that's exactly what I've been doing at times.  And to expand on that with an even broader stroke, how many times do we do anything BUT allow the Holy Spirit to comfort us?  We work harder, longer hours, drink or smoke, some even do drugs, while others party, some have computer/TV addictions...basically anything but sitting still and allowing that peace that passes all understanding to wash over us.

Even Jesus relied on the Holy Spirit while tempted here on earth:

Luke 4:1-2
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

By following Jesus' lead (which by the way is always a good thing to do!), we see He had to rely on the Holy Spirit to get him through a VERY trying time (40 days without food?  Be still my heart!) of physical and spiritual temptation.  There's the example to follow.
Breakthrough!!!  Guess clearing my brain of all that coffee did shake something loose finally.  It may seem like a very basic thing but for me, it was a big eye opener.  Once again, I'm doing the job and trying to run the show, but instead I should be allowing the Holy Spirit that control.  Instead of self medicating with food or drink, I need to rely on the Great Comforter.  If I'm tired, I don't need a jolt of caffeine...I need an infusion of the Holy Spirit!  Why should I rely on me, myself and I, when I've got someone far greater to lean upon?  It sounds so simplistic I know...but denying the flesh and walking in the Spirit can be really tough.  Of course, the enemy is all too good to lead us in to some sort of temptation to numb ourselves and prevent us from turning to the Lord and tapping in to a real source of strength, power, and comfort that will last and not be fleeting.  We walk around so many times just as zombies, never realizing what we are doing to our bodies, and even more specifically, WHY we are doing it in the first place.
Once again, even though my heart wasn't in the perfect place and I hadn't been perfect in my carrying out of the original plan, I'm so glad that God still used the experience to show me something very important and personal...even though it wasn't what I expected!  That's grace people.
And by the way, who wants to buy me a steak?!  :)

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