Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll!

As we begin to prepare for the big feast tomorrow and before the official hustle and bustle begins, I want to take a few moments to reflect and express gratitude on this Thanksgiving Eve and I encourage you all to take time to do the same.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and that's probably no coincidence since it falls in my favorite month of November!

This year I'm thankful for:
  1. A wonderful husband who loves me no matter what and who is my best friend
  2. A step-son who is entertaining and fun to watch as he grows and matures
  3. My sweet family that I see all the time now, as well as my new in-law-family which equals double the fun!
  4. Precious friends who I love to laugh with until my sides hurt
  5. A job and a career that I truly enjoy and I am always challenged by (did anyone else operate on a skunk yesterday?  I think not...!)
  6. Great employees/friends to work with every day and laugh with (we like to laugh a lot around here)
  7. Serving a God who gives us ample second and third chances, and who always has a plan...a really good plan...for our lives
  8. Nieces and nephews that see the world differently, through fresh eyes so the most simple things are new again
  9. Pumpkins...thank you God for making those as I honestly can't get enough of their sweet flavor during this season!
  10. 36 years of the point I feel MUCH younger than I am...(and I look it, too...right?!)
  11. Freedom to worship any way I choose
  12. Horses in my barn and enjoying their quirky personalities
  13. Celebrating a November without drama
  14. A sister who is also my best friend and partner in crime (if only she lived closer!)
  15. A neurotic dog who amuses in right now while she runs around my office trying to catch flies in her mouth
  16. The little things that make me smile
  17. Laughter, and a lot of it...
  18. College football (Gig 'Em Aggies)
  19. A job where I get to wear jeans every day
  20. A year of happiness and fresh starts and very few tears
  21. Black Friday shopping!  It's a sport...not for the faint at heart ;)
I could go on and on in my randomness, but that's just a short list at the forefront of my mind.  I'm overflowing with thanks this year, so excuse my sappiness.  I want to wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving weekend from my home to yours.  Hug your loved ones tight and thank the Lord for what He has done, what He is doing and what He's about to do!

1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 

Psalm 7:17  
I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.
Blessings to you All!

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