Monday, April 11, 2011

It's All In The Details

Have you ever noticed how people will pray according to the size of their issues?  They pray without ceasing if it's a big ole issue...but with the smaller stuff, well they just try to handle those on their own because why bother God with that stuff?!  I find it interesting because I do it myself, but I'm learning, albeit slowly, that we do serve a God of details...even the tiniest, most insignificant ones that don't make a hill of beans to anyone else besides us.

Case in point, a few weeks back I was actually thinking about this blog to be honest.  I pray over each post I write, but I realized I really hadn't been praying daily about how God would use my words now and in the future and that's an area I felt I needed to focus my prayers.  So, I did...and here's when the cool things started happening. 

First off, in the same night of praying about this, I check my email before bed and there's an email from a blogger I read recommending a friend who is in the business of helping you get your blog to the next level.  I think, cool...I will check into that, but no big deal.  The next morning, in my quiet time, I pray again about the situation and then start reading my Bible study and happen to be in Proverbs 31...which reminds me to pray that I will strive to be a Proverbs 31 I pray about that, too!

But, here's where it gets interesting...later on in the day, a friend of mine who rarely ever emails me, forwards me a friend's blog that she thought I would enjoy.  At the bottom, there is info to subscribe to a daily devotional...and what might that be you ask?  Proverbs 31 Woman...whoa...interesting (and this makes me sit up and take notice)!  But even better than THAT, at the very, very bottom of this email, is a link about a conference that's coming up where Christian writers and speakers can go and hone their skills and develop their craft...I had no idea there were even such things out there!

I was so excited...there it was, an answer to my prayer sitting in my inbox!  I prayed for guidance and direction, and literally, it was delivered electronically in less than 24 hours.  Might not seem like a big deal, but for me, it was confirmation that even though it wasn't a huge issue, God was still listening and He was going to provide direction...and almost instantly at that! 

Luke 11:9-10
So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

See, I think we forget we serve a God of details...we trust in Him for the big stuff, but we don't want to bother Him with the small stuff.  We can't fathom that He cares that deeply for us...but He does.  He knows the number of hairs on our head...what could be more insignificant that THAT?  But He knows that piece of trvia because He loves us and He's that intentional and that specific regarding His children.  He's waiting for us to come to Him, be in relationship, and trust Him with the ALL our stuff. 

So, how will your prayers get answered if you never ask?  Try just might be surprised.


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