Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who's Wearing the Crown in My Life?

Right now, my life is filled with blessings that are too numerous to count.  Every day overflows with joy.  I'm in a season of mountain top experiences and I won't lie...I love it.  It's much more fun to be in this place vs the trials and tribulations I've faced in the past in life's painful valleys. 

But still, I struggle.
That may sound bizarre after my over-flowing-with-happiness statement above BUT I'm realizing that it is much more difficult to cling on to God and be desperate for Him when life is bliss.  Truth be told, you are never closer to God than when you have hit rock-bottom.  When you are knocked down to your knees, it is more natural to be seeking the Lord's will, giving Him control of your life and be in complete submittal to His plan.  Or maybe that's just me?  On the flip side of that coin, when life is on easy street and blessings are just falling out of the sky into your lap, it becomes tempting to start grabbing back some of that control and becoming independent, even if it's on a subconscious level.   

The Lord keeps gently reminding me to stay grounded in His will in various ways, and today, it was while I was having my own little private praise and worship time as I drove down I-635 North in Dallas (for all those early morning commuters that passed me, I'm sorry if you thought I was having an epileptic seizure.  I was just expressing my freedom to worship however I so choose, even if that might be non-conventional!).  I find it interesting that you can listen to the same song a million times and then on that million and oneth time, something very fresh and new hits you between the eyeballs and grabs your attention, such as these lyrics from different songs:
I think the ultimate example is in the lyrics of the Keith Green song..."help me to never seek a crown"...ouch!  Isn't that what the world would brainwash us to do?  When things go our way, we pat ourselves on the back and conduct our own little ceremony to crown ourselves for being so brilliant and successful.  In reality, we need to give the "attaboy" to the Lord, because the blessings and favor flow down directly from Him and Him alone.   

Don't get me wrong...there is nothing wrong with being blessed and the Lord bringing GOOD into your life.  Embrace it!  Enjoy it!  Praise Him for it!  I've just been reminded to be sure to give credit where credit is due and to continue to seek Him with the same intensity on the mountain tops as in the valleys.

Am I the only one who struggles with staying grounded during the mountaintops of this life?

Keepin' It Real,


1 comment:

  1. Joy,
    This is so very true! Not only do I see it in my own life, but we see it over and over in the Bible - Moses leading the Israelites comes to mind.....
