Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm Home!

On March 1st, a journey of over a year finally came to an end.  I'm officially, 100% unemployed...and I couldn't be happier!  Yes...you heard me right...I have no job by choice and it truly is an answer to prayer and the fufillment of God's specific promise to me over a year ago. 

You see, two Novembers ago, God laid on my heart in a very forceful way that I was supposed to sell my practice and move back home to my family, where my roots are, in East Texas (Assignment Solitude retreat).  It had been an issue I had wrestled with over a six month period, but in one weekend, God spoke so loud and clear to me that I no longer had doubts what I was to do and where I was to go.  I immediately came home from that weekend and listed my practice for sale and informed my family of my plans to eventually move back home.  If there is one thing I have learned, it is to be obedient and let God handle the details of my life.  It might not make sense to me at the time, but He always knows best, so I stepped out in faith and in an act of obedience.  Fourteen months and three buyers later, the practice sold and I moved back to East Texas.  As I drove home and saw the Piney Woods and drove the familiar roads of home, I realized this was it.  I wasn't just visiting this time...I was STAYING.  I began to cry and just thank God for His faithfulness.  What seemed nearly impossible was now the possible.  I was and am so humbled and so grateful!

What happened over the past year is nothing short of a miracle.  I had the impression in 2010 that within a year, I would be back home.  Let me just say that there were many roadblocks thrown up during the past year that caused me to question and doubt that, but in the end, God did exactly what He said He would do all along and He moved some HUGE mountains to make it happen.  A few weeks ago, I handed over the keys to the business I started nearly seven years ago.  So much blood, sweat, and tears went into that place that I thought it would be agony to pass it on to someone else.  Turns out, it wasn't at all.  I walked away with a smile on my face, peace in my heart and excitement for my next journey.  That is only because of God and His will and because I know it was honoring to follow His direction for my life.  He also picked the perfect person to purchase my business and to continue on with my dream.  She will do a fabulous job and the community is blessed to have her! 

When God speaks, it is amazing how everything just falls into place and that's exactly what has happened in this situation.  It didn't happen overnight, but it did all happen exactly how I was promised in 2010.  How was I to know when I accepted the decision to sell and move, that months later I would be in a relationship with a man I love dearly, who just happens to live in my home town in East Texas?  And that I would be married to this wonderful man?  I didn't...but God did.  He's continued to lay the groundwork for His master plan and on some days, I am in awe once again of all He has done to restore what I lost with an abundance.  In the weeks to come, I plan to share some specific details of my journey and what God has done in my life to get me to this point.

I'm probably the only person in the world happy to be unemployed!  I'm going to take some time to rest and enjoy being home, being a wife, and just being a family.  I hope to be less tied down in the future as far as a job is concerned in order to have more time for ministry and more flexibility to allow God to use me in whatever ways He sees fit.  I'm prayerfully considering the next steps to take as I don't want to move without God directing me.  I'm excited about this new season of my life and I can't wait to see what God does next and where He leads me! 

So, goodbye black land of North Texas...
     hello sandy soils of East Texas.
Goodbye to the plains...
     hello to big ol' pine trees.
Goodbye to the prairie land...
     hello to the rolling coastal pastures.
Goodbye to interstates, highways and crazy DFW drivers...
     hello to country backroads and Sunday drivers.
Goodbye to my dear Denton friends...
     hello to my old child hood friends.
Goodbye to my adopted North Texas family...
     hello to my biological family.
Goodbye to a good life and good memories for the past 10 years...
     hello to God's best for my life and for the future.

Batten down the hatches East Texas...this girl is home. 


Praise God for He is faithful and able.


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