Monday, July 26, 2010

Gettin' Back to My Roots

A few weeks back, I went for a visit to my hometown in East Texas to see my family, as well as my sister who was up for the week with the twins.  I had a lot of driving time down there and back and I just really had a lot of time to my thoughts, no radio, no phone, just thinking.  I really was reflecting back on the past 9 months and how one of the lessons I feel God has tried to enforce to me is to "simplify".  I got that message loud and clear after Haiti for sure and realized I just have too much stuff that I don't need, and I'm involved in too many things that aren't life giving to others.  So, when I came back, down the hammer came on a lot of areas of my life.

My life can be crazy and pretty "noisy" just due to the nature of what I do, but that doesn't mean that everything I'm involved in has to be noisy, too!  I've prayed specifically on which direction God wants me to take on several issues and I actually got some answers on that trip and really felt a peace about it.  Amazing what some driving time can do for a girl!  And when I got back, some things I had kinda been thinking about like "hmm, well, I wonder how that would work" but really, I hadn't even thought to pray about yet...well, they got answered out of the blue.  So I got answered prayers that hadn't even been prayed that is way cool!

I was laughing to myself the other day as I heard for about the jillionith time, "can't believe you let your beamer go!".  Not, wow, I'm sorry you got divorced but, you didn't get to keep the car???  And people are shocked when I said that was my choice...sure I could've kept it but I had other priorities.  It's a sad state of our world when people are more worried about what happens to a car!  A good friend even asked me if I was going to cry when I gave it back and I just had to laugh...I've had bigger fish to fry in my life to have time to worry about the fate of a car.  I didn't shed a's just a material thing and I've learned that they don't bring happiness.  Maybe one day I will own a BMW again, maybe I won't.  Honestly, I'm not losing sleep over it.  It was fun to drive...but you know my dually gets me from point A to point B just fine!

I've spent the last ten years of my life trying to measure up and prove who I am to myself, to others and claw my way to the top...and I forgot at some point that I only need to check in with an audience of one.  I realized on that trip to East Texas that I've grown and matured and developed as an adult and that's all well and good, but there's also nothing wrong with my roots either.  I can embrace them both and merge them into one, and honestly, that helped me decide about some big future plans that I'm putting into action...and am quite excited about!  So, God used my roots and "where I come from" to speak some pretty cool stuff over me that I'm sure I will be sharing in the near future...

I think other than simplifying my life, the other thing I've learned is to be content, right where I'm at, right now.  I don't really worry about tomorrow, or next week, I'm just happy with the day I have in front of me right now.  And, I'm content with what I do and what all I have in my life because it's enough, actually more than enough if I'm honest.  God used the trials I have been through to sift me like wheat, remove impurities, get the junk out that needed to be purged...and then what is left is much more useable for His goals and purposes.  And, I'm good with that...I see it needed to happen and I'm glad that when I had a choice to make, I chose Him.  When it all boils down, life actually is pretty simple...we make it hard.  I'm chosing to simplify, be content with my life and just .... be still and enjoy it.

Philippians 4:11
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

Content Right Where I'm At,


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