Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Hands Of God

I was at the Desperate for Jesus conference in Dallas this weekend with a friend, listening to a message by Beth Moore (who rocks by the way!!!), that turned out to be avery prophetic message for what she was about to go through that very weekend (Topic:  Bruised, not Broken; Surviving the Storms of this Life). The details are hers, and not mine to share, but I wanted to touch on some things that just rocked my world due to the way the events unfolded.

First off, I don't know why I'm still bowled over by the providential nature of our God...but I am.  I think I said before, I no longer believe in coincidences and I don't, for reals!  I see that everything that happens, happens for a reason and God is in control, even if it is something bad...He isn't suprised and many times probably allows it to happen because He's going to use it for His good in the future (that's a whole 'nuther topic though).  With all that being said, I want to say that we were in the EXACT place God wanted us to be this weekend when she was delivered some devastating, soul crushing, news.  Talk about a storm...I would call this one a tsunami and I ain't jokin' folks.  Literally, Beth Moore had just walked off the stage and finished her talk when the phone rang and my friend received this crushing news.  Immediately, she was surrounded by prayer warriors at Oak Cliff.  And let me tell you, this women could pray down fire from heaven.  I mean, when they spoke, I can tell you, God was on it and probably even said YES M'AAM!!!  Powerful stuff...I'm just glad we are on the same team!  They rallied around us, supported my friend, even got a shuttle to take us directly to our car (and it was a LOOOONG way away so praise God for that)...and while we waited for the shuttle, another lady came and prayed over us and my friend went from peace...all in that one time of prayer.  It was amazing to watch, feel and know that God was there and comforting her (and me too...I was in shock along with her even though this wasn't happening to me).  I was able to drive her home, as I had driven us there, and get her where she needed to be to take care of things.  I even called the gentleman who had broken the news to her to get more details...and he said to me "I have wrestled with calling her all day but I just felt I should and broke down and did it"  Mind you this event had occurred about 12 hours earlier...God held him off until literally the PERFECT time...crazy stuff ya'll!

After the crisis mode had died down I was able to think...what if...?  What if she'd been with her children and gotten that news?  What if she hadn't looked down and saw her phone, that was on silent, ringing and answered it right then?  What if we had been ANYWHERE alone and lost would she have felt?  What if that guy had called her earlier in the day, before we heard Beth Moore finish her message and wrap up and get the exact message she was going to need just seconds later?  But you know what...we don't serve a what if God!  He's on time, every time...right on time to be quite honest.  Perfect, never late, never slow to keep His promises.  He knew way before time this was all going to happen, and He had her and I sign up for that conference together because He knew how bad we were going to need it! 

And in the words of Beth Moore, "You may see the ship broken to pieces in the storm, but you WILL NOT BE BROKEN...but you might get bruised!  Wherever our ship runs aground is the EXACT place God has sent us and we will emerge a victor.  He will bring a force that the hurricane will have to bow down to!"  And my very favorite quote and one I want to shout from the roof tops as I've lived it and can testify to its truth "On the other side of a perfect storm, the serpent is all bite and NO VENOM!!!  After all that intimidation and despair by the enemy, we realize the enemy has no power compared to our God."  Preach it sista!!!  Can I get a witness on that one?!

What happened to my friend and loved one this weekend was a spiritual attack plain and simple.  It was evil, it was desperate, it was dark, it was horrible and life destroying and life taking for one person.  But, what the enemy wants to use for destruction and despair, God is going to refine and use for His good and His glory in His perfect just watch and see!   

Proverbs 30:4 (New International Version)

Who has gone up to heaven and come down?
Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hands?
Who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name, and the name of his son?
Tell me if you know!

Thank you God for being our refuge and safe haven in times of trouble!


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