Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One Glorious Day

Psalm 84:10
"For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand [anywhere else]; I would rather be a doorkeeper and stand at the threshold in the house of my God than to dwell [at ease] in the tents of wickedness."

Have you ever had a day where you just felt like you were swimming upstream?  A tried and true, all-out struggle?  I've been having a WEEK like that (and by the way, it's only Tuesday...Lord help me!) and when these struggles occur, they drain me emotionally and spiritually.  I keep reminding myself that these trials and momentary weaknesses are achieving a long-term Kingdom focus in my life.  There is always a purpose and God can bring great things out of these struggles.  I know it's an attack and I recognize where it comes from, but that doesn't mean it's not tough to experience.

And then I'm reminded of the verse above, which by no coincidence, the song, "Better is One Day", has been rolling around in my head for weeks as well.  Too many times, I get so caught up in my own little battles and struggles, that seem monumentous to me at the time, and I forget that we are called to a higher purpose.  All these struggles and problems we WILL face in this world will one day melt away...and one day in the Lord's courts will be better than a 1000 days here on Earth. 

Just think about that...1000 days is roughly 2.75 years.  Wrap your head around that...one single day with the Lord can blow a few years out of the water here on Earth!   I can have 1000 horrible, no good, very bad days here...but they will all pale in comparison to just one day in the presence of the Lord.  Thinking in those terms helps me adjust my attitude, count my blessings and think about all the wonderful things God has done for me in my life. I begin to realize I would rather have the struggle, do the hard work out of obedience, and allow God to continue His work in me, than to take the easy road, coast, give up and live in the world.

So, on days like today where I'm having a rough go of it, I try my best to keep my sights on that one day and remind myself, it's not about me....it's about Him.  It never has been about me, as much as my selfish desires want to tell me it is.

It's about the Kingdom...
           It's about Worship...
                      It's about Relationship...
                                 It's about One Glorious Day!

Better is One Day!


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