Thursday, April 22, 2010

Haiti Mission Trip

I have alluded to my upcoming mission trip to Haiti in earlier blogs and have gotten some questions regarding the trip. The reason I am going...well that was a popcorn moment for sure so I guess I better share!

I have wanted to go on a mission trip through Christian Vet Missions for about as long as I have been a vet (8 years). Even went as far as filling out an application with them and going through the process TWO YEARS AGO. But did I get off my rear and go anywhere? Nah. However, in my defense, I must admit I felt a bit selfish leaving my husband behind while I traipsed off into the wild blue yonder and left him at home alone. We worked so hard and had so little free time, that I always felt we should spend our free time and vacay time together. We have had some wonderful trips and both love to travel and I have some precious memories of our time together that I will always cherish and don't regret for a moment. Some of you know, others don't, but I am currently going through a very painful divorce (is there such a thing as a non-painful divorce?). The purpose of this blog is not to talk about the divorce by any means, but it is a part of my life, unfortunately, and for sure a big part of my spiritual journey and it will come up from time to time. God has given me through all of this journey, an unconditional love for my husband no matter what the circumstances are that surround us and I continue to stand firm FOR our marriage and my husband and I know one day, maybe even after divorce, that God is going to use our marriage and our trials and hardship for HIS GLORY and HIS purposes. Call me crazy, but that is how I feel and what God has been speaking over me through this process. I am full of hope and faith in God's perfect timing and plan for both of our lives. The world says it's over...I say God always has the last word.

I digress again...hang tight...popcorn moment ahead...!

So, through these struggles, I started thinking, I need to get away. I looked high and low, and could not find any one to go with me on any sort of trip no matter how much I tantalized them (why do all of you have to be responsible and stay home with your kids? Isn't this world all about me? LOL!) with exotic locales. So, I did what we do as humans...I threw myself a grand ole' pity party for one and I felt really down-right sorry for myself.

It was pathetic, even I must admit.

But, then, as God will do in His infinite wisdom and timing, I was sitting in church that Sunday and Toby, our pastor, was preaching on some subject that was so good and thought provoking and had me on the edge of my seat, yet I can't even remember what the subject was now (sorry Toby). BUT, BUT, BUT...all during that service, the Holy Spirit just spoke to me and said, "Quit feeling sorry for yourself. You need to go on a mission trip with CVM. You can accomplish traveling and helping others by using the gifts God has given you in one fell swoop". It is like a light bulb went off over my head and I said THAT'S IT! I hot-footed it out of that service, sped home, got online and looked at some trips that CVM had coming up and one going to Haiti really caught me eye, but I ended up sending an email and basically said..."I will go where ever is needed in the world and I want to go in the next 3 months. I can be gone 2 weeks. Use me!". Well low and behold, they called me back the next day and said they needed a vet to go on a guessed Haiti at the end of April and had just been praying about what they were going to do as it still hadn't been filled with a vet and the clock was ticking. As they said, God always provides. Yes, yes, He does. I got all the info from them regarding the trip, prayed on it that week and said YES, I'm all in.

So, I am leading the team--myself, 2 vet students from Ross University at St. Kitts, and one "civilian" worker--and we will be meeting up with two long-term missionary vets stationed in Haiti. Most likely, we will be doing a widespread vaccine campaign due to the after mass of the earthquake and the widespread diseases in animals there (think Rabies, anthrax...this a'int the good ole US of A). Originally, the trip was to help the local vets learn more surgery skills as they have a lot of "head knowledge" but don't get a lot of hands-on training. However, we have been told to be flexible as things are not just day-to-day but moment-to-moment there right now. Haiti has been and still is a pretty dangerous place and I remember when I signed up with CVM in the beginning I thought, I would go to anywhere BUT Haiti...too dangerous (and that was BEFORE the earthquake). Good one, God! I have learned NEVER say never in this life! Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?! My family and my employees are all begging me NOT to go as they are scared for me and of course I am so darn loveable they can't stand for me to be away from them for one moment (yeah right!). But you know what? God definitely called me to this trip and I know He is not only going to protect me, but He is going to do something through me and to me on this trip, you can bet your boots on that one! So you guys and gals just cool your jets and get on your knees and pray! I have not once been afraid of going on this trip. Not once...and I would tell you. God has called me to it and He will lead the way. When God speaks something to you and over you, He gives you strength and wisdom to do what He asks! 2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. We are all in anticipation of what we will face while in Haiti, but also we feel that God has called each of us to this trip for a specific purpose. Stay tuned for the during and after report.

We touch down in Haiti April 30th and will be there until May 8th. Please start praying for all of us NOW...not only for our protection, but for us to have servant's hearts, show love to the people of Haiti and plant a lot of seeds for the kingdom that will be harvested in the future. Pray for us to use every situation for God's glory, no matter what the inconveniences are that are thrown our way because I KNOW we will be under attack. Voodoo and demonic oppression has always been heavy in Haiti...even most of the "religious" practice voodoo. It is entrenched in their culture. However, they are RIPE to hear the good news of the gospel right now, so pray for lives to be won for the Kingdom! Thank you for praying for us all...but don't be afraid for us. Many of you have read the comments on my earlier blogs and see my friend Mike has suggested I put a knife in my boot...I've gotten a lot of comments about that one! I've go you one better...I will be putting on my full armor of God every day and I will be wielding the sword of the spirit...that's better than any "hog sticker"!

Hard headed for the Kingdom,


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