Thursday, April 22, 2010

Testing...can anyone hear me?

Tap, tap, tap....anyone out there? Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3....

Some may ask, why is SHE blogging? Good question...this is one thing that I never thought I would do but this weekend, the Lord has really laid it on my heart as a way to share my spiritual journey. Those that are friends with me probably get tired of the charges from me texting you things God has laid on my heart for the day, so this is a way to save everyone some money and still be open and honest about what God is speaking to me and through me! God is leading me towards something and this verse sums it up:

Habakkuk 2:3 For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

We're not supposed to get it all right now, but God does have a vision and purpose for each of our lives. I feel God has been changing me from the inside-out and He is preparing me for something...what? I don't know...but if you follow along, you will get a first-hand glance of it I assure you! We can walk this journey together, as God intended us to do all along. We are called to listen for His voice, let the Holy Spirit guide us and be obedient to His call, even if we don't know what is coming up. That's faith people...and let me tell you from experience, it is the most rewarding and freeing thing when you just submit your will to God's will for your life! As I have said to others, it is so easy...yet so incredibly hard to do because it means we have to deny our flesh and have our will be broken for God to work through us and use us for HIS purposes. But what JOY comes through this transformation!

On my recent journey, God has recently really convicted me that I need to speak His name and what He is doing in my life boldly and confidently. The "silencing effect" in all of our lives is truly of the enemy. Each one of us has a story to tell and there is power in that story for the Kingdom! We are not alone and when we become authentic and vulnerable, God will use that testimony for His good and His purposes. I have seen it over and over in my situation, and I have learned that there truly is power for God's purposes in our weaknesses. I truly believe that God DOES work all things for the good of those who love him...I have seen that over and over again on my journey and I know God wants me to share His work with anyone I can get to listen! it goes...

And some may ask where the title of my blog came from or what it means. Well, it has become an inside joke with my close sisters in Christ that anytime I can really feel the Lord moving and shaking, I say, "Sit back, get your popcorn out because this is going to be good and we are going to see some miracles of God's hand!". It is my way of saying...God is awesome and I know that but He STILL continues to astonish me in how He works and how much He loves us down to the tiniest details.

So get that popcorn ready and come along with me on this journey. This is not about me but all about Jesus...and all the glory belongs to HIM!

Comments are welcomed and encouraged...let me know what God is doing in your life!

In Christ,


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