Monday, April 26, 2010

You Want Me To Do WHAT?

Is it just me, or has God ever asked you to do something so absurd, that you literally laughed out loud???  I'm sorry, but anyone who says God doesn't have a sense of humor, has not been walking with Him very long!

I had one of those moments about six weeks ago, while driving down the road in my car (yes, I do a lot of talking to God in my car for those of you passing me by staring).  There was no doubt this command was from Him, because I would have NEVER come up with this one in a million years.  In fact, after it was just blurted out into my mind, I literally said "NO WAY" and then laughed.  For the first time, I think I know how Sara felt when God told her she was going to bear a child after being barren for 90 years or so...and she laughed.  However, God emphatically said, "You will do this, but this time is not right now".  Ummm, okay God, get back to me when the time is right because really and truly, I don't want to do it anyway (what He asked really isn't the point here and no, I'm not going to tell you all!).

Even though this was something really against my own will, I did still pray about it every day for six weeks so I didn't forget.  But, I have to admit, I was more than a little relieved that so far, God hadn't called me up and asked me to actually do it.  WHEW!

But, as only God will do in His infinite timing and wisdom...the day came.  I was sitting in my chair, doing my morning Bible study and I was reading in Romans.  I had actually just read the following that jumped off the page at me:

Romans 2:7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.  But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

Romans 2:13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

And then...the presence of God "happened"...all I could hear was Him saying, today's the day to do what I commanded you.  I was pretty huh???  Really?  Today God?  And then I did what probably most of you do, too...I started trying to weasle out of it!  And over and over I just kept hearing, nope, time is now.  And of course, I do what I always do when I feel the presence of God, I started crying!  It was very hard to even finish my Bible study because of His LOUD VOICE in my head...OKAY ALREADY!!!  And just having read about being persistent and obedient, did I really have any other choice?  Sure I did but I am no dummy!

This "thing" I was commanded to do...if I told you what it was, you would probably say, what's the big deal?  Out of all the things that God has asked me to do in the past six months, it should have been a cake walk.  But for some reason, for me, it was extremely difficult (and don't you know that God knew that, too).  Probably because it meant swallowing some pride and being needy.  It took a lot of prayer to get me through it...and afterwards, I was literally sweating and I am not even joking.  That is how much against my own flesh and my own will it was...but I did it and the burden lifted and God just said, "well done".

Now, I wish I could tell you that after I did this "thing", that the heavens opened up and a ray of light came down upon me or something really juicy and spiritual happened.  I'm here to report that didn't happen.  In fact, quite the opposite...some hardships and pain came my way after the fact that really made me question why God ever had me to do this?  It definitely didn't get clearer but got more confusing afterwards.  One day I may be able to look back and go, " I get it!"...or maybe I won't!

But, what I'm learning is that some times, we aren't supposed to get it.  God's own word even says His ways are definitely not our ways.  Yeah, I'm agreeing with you on that one God!  However, do we really want to serve a God that we could outsmart and understand?  I don't think so.  I think in this particular instance, that God was possibly testing me...would I be obedient?  Was I listening?  Would I lay my own fleshly desires down and walk in the spirit, even if times got rough?  And what I may never know is what seeds were planted when I followed His call and directions.  I hope I see the harvest but there is a good chance I won't. 

In these times, I just have to trust in God because He sees the bigger picture.  Man, when I get to heaven, I'm going to have a list of questions to ask...course by then, I doubt I will even care!

In persistence and obedience,


  1. When I experience these time, and I have, I try to focus on the following.......

    Proverbs 3: 5-6

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;

    6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will direct your paths.

  2. How well I know the feeling, when I am under conviction from God. It's so heavy you can't help but surrender! I always remember something I heard Beth Moore say one time, paraphrasing,

    "You can bow your knee or I'll break your leg, but either way your gonna bow!"

    I have learned it's LESS painful to bow and surrender to God on my own rather than have Him force circumstances to acomplish the same goal.

  3. I truly admire your courage. You are in a refiner's fire and that is just plain tough. It brings me JOY to see a new Joy emerging.
