Saturday, May 8, 2010

Back in the U S of A...Priceless

As I type this tonight, I am sitting in my house FREEZING...I can't put the air past 75 degrees without shivering!  My body is so used to the dire heat it doesn't know what to do here with the AC but it is a good problem to have, let me assure you.  Also, I sit here, trying to type and I have to stop and ITCH every 3 seconds...I am literally covered my bug bites.  The mosquitoes there are fierce and they loved me and could not be deterred by any bug repellant I could find, even the army stuff I got while there.  However, Alicia, did not get hardly a bite!  I really think we should do a study on her---she is the bionic woman and whatever her skin secretes, I want to bottle and use on myself!  I also have a "haitian cold" that got me down these last 2 days that I'm coughing and spitting but as I sit here with my Diet Dr. Pepper from Sonic, Life is just SO GOOD!  thanks so much for all the prayers and for all of you who kept up with my ramblings on my blog (and they were all sent by texts while I was bumping along in the back of a truck so I apologize for typos or disjointed thoughts!) and who prayed for me---I never felt scared or weighed down by the spiritual oppression there and I know that is because I was well covered in prayer.  So if all I have to complain about is some sniffles and bug bites, I am blessed!

I know that right now, I can't even grasp everything that I came into contact with while over there.  It will take weeks or months to process as it was a lot to experience, but I will say, that it is so surreal coming home where everything is just...easy.  I want to call someone---I just pick up my cell phone or home phone or get on my computer and bam, it is done.  I don't have to worry about whether there is electricity or not due to the generator being out of gas or the inverted not working properly--I just flip a switch and there are lights...all night long.  I get hungry--I just pull in to Sonic and grab a bite, while I'm riding in a car on a nice paved road with orderly traffic and clear signs and directions!  I come home to a nice spacious house, fat and sassy animals and clean sheets and running water--even HOT water--and I didn't have to fill any tanks or check first to see if there would be water.  I didn't even have to work up a sweat unloading my bags and doing somethings outside.  I mean, life is a BREEZE here and I hope I never take that for granted again, but I am sure I will.  I think right now, that is a big thing I came home with---life is so hard for the Haitians (and other 3rd world countries)...there are literally no jobs and right now, not even homes.  NOTHING in their lives is easy...and I mean nothing.  Everything has to be worked for or thought through and it takes effort.  I know I sound like a broken record and people are saying, yeah, yeah, everyone says that when they come back from a place like that...but until you experience and live it, it really is hard to explain.  I am grateful that I got a chance to live it, even if just for 10 days, because my eyes are open in a new way to that part of the world and how everything we do, whether trying to help or as the US, has a direct impact over there.  Sometimes helping can hurt...but that is a topic for another day!

So, by God's grace, I am home safe and sound in my comfy house and in a way, I am a little sad and guilty because I just have so much and God has blessed me so much, although I am no better or more deserving than the Haitians with smiles on their faces although they have so little.  I was told re-entry would be hard and I see is just a stark contrast to where I have been and it is tough.  I can't help but think right now of the people who don't have a bed to sleep on tonight, but sleep in the roads; those that are hungry and starving and dehydrated because they have had no food or water all day in the blazing heat; those who are literally dying of malaria, dengue fever, AIDS, respiratory infections, parasitic diseases, many which are treatable, but they just can't find help; and the fear of those who every time there is an aftershock/tremor are paralyzed in fear and think of all those that they lost 4 short months ago.  As one man said, "I am so blessed because I only lost 3 family members in the quake" it all in perspective, huh?

And to our team:  Dr. Kelly and Dr. "Keif"--thanks for showing us what real vets do on a day-to-day basis and by blessing us by letting us walk in your shoes for awhile; Jan--thanks for the WONDERFUL homecooked meals, sweet smile and being our "mother" while we were hot, tired and worn out; Alicia and Jess--you girls reminded me of how I felt when I was in vet school and brought back alot of good memories, plus your sweet spirits and excitement were contagious; Karen--what can we say?  From photographer, eye ball rubber, patellar tendon massager, physical therapist, massage therapist, chiropractor, pharmacist...where would we have been without you?  Your humor kept us going and thanks for documenting every step of the journey; Magda, Menusca, Acky, Rose, Judelyn, Nancy, Yonki, Benjamin--thanks for accepting us "blancs" and helping us out as we bumbled your language and blindly plunged ahead trying to stay afloat--you guys are proof that there is real hope for Haiti and the future lies in your hands.  Each and every one of you holds a special place in my heart and will always be recalled fondly when I think of Haiti.  And Karen, Jess and Alicia--I'm coming to visit so just get ready!

Thanks again for the love, support and prayers...I will post some pictures tomorrow as I have time but for now, I just wanted everyone to know I am safe and home back in Texas.  And for all of you that wrote support letters for me....what can I say?  I cried every time I looked at the packet, much less read the letters!  I was so touched by your kind words, although I didn't feel that deserving of them, but thanks anyway.  I will keep them and cherish them FOREVER!  They already are stained with sweat, tears and the ever present dust of Haiti!  Thanks again for believing in me even though many of you were not real confident in letting me out of your sights.  Now I can say...see I told you so!  God had me in His hand the whole time!

Love to all!

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