Thursday, May 6, 2010

With all that being said, I'm ready to be home with my family and friends. I miss you guys! And I'm ready to be in my practice with my clients/patients as well. My bed, running water and ac will be the best ever! And although the food here has been awesome...jan has spoiled us with 3 homecooked meals a day...I want some mexican food! And I can't wait to be in my church sunday and praise the lord for this trip and what He is doing all around the world! So, you guys need not worry...I'm coming back! My hats are off to keith, jan and live here full time is hard work and tough and I'm sure many time feels like running in jello but the Lord is using them in mighty ways and I know He will bless them doubly and take care of them!

1 comment:

  1. We miss you, too, and can't wait to see you and REALLY hear what you did. Love, Mom
