Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kelly is much improved today after 3 doses of chloroquininine but she's still weak. We headed to her house and were going to neuter her cat (let alicia and jess practice while we instructed). Well...the cat was a bit wild and when they found him, he ran into the outdoor haitian toliet (aka outhouse with a 20 ft drop below). At first he was on a ledge and I was going to sedate him in the rear...well he got wind of that and jumped down. Yep, 20 ft straight down! Uh oh...due to the area around it, we couldn't get a long enough board/stick down there so we tore up a tarp, tied it together and hung it down there. Now it's up to the cat to decide to live and crawl out but he did escape the neuter for another day. As kelly said, in haiti, if you have a list of to dos and one thing gets accomplished, it's a good day and that really it true. Things are just so complicated and you must have huge amounts of patience

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